
30 Killer Websites That Will Save You Money

30 Killer Websites That Will Save You Money

The Internet has changed the way we think, shop, read, earn money… it has changed the way we live! One of the most important benefits we have gained from the World Wide Web is effective budget management. Although those deals and coupons can tempt you to spend more than planned, you cannot neglect the fact that you can save – and make – a lot of money by accessing the right websites.
Get ready to start bookmarking, because you are about to discover 30 budget-friendly websites that will make you a smarter shopper and help you earn money along the way.


1. Rent the Runway

So you need a special piece for an important event? You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on designer clothes when you can rent them atRentTheRunway.com for a massively reduced price tag.

2. thredUP

This website will help you get cheap clothes and make some cash at the same time. ThredUP is a fashion resale website where you can buy secondhand clothing or sell some of your own pieces. The clothing items featured at the website are as good as new, so you can get some really amazing deals!

3. Twice

If you don’t manage to find the piece you need at thredUP, then Twice should be your next shopping destination. You’ll love the 40% off deal for your first order at this website! Twice allows you to buy high-quality items or sell the clothes you want to get rid of.

Books and movies

4. PaperBack Swap

Who needs to spend money on books when there are so many people who would love to trade? If you are not emotionally attached to the books in your library, you should join the book club at PaperBackSwap.com and start swapping editions with other members. There are over 4 million books to choose from!

5. Chegg

No students look forward to spending too much money on textbooks. Thanks to Chegg, they can buy or rent used books and save up to 90%.

6. Swap a DVD

swap dvd
Planning a movie night with your friends? This website enables you to swap the movies you’ve already watched and get some of the available DVDs in return. There are over 250,000 movies currently available at the website.

Earning money through freelance writing

7. FreelancerCareers

freelance careers
The competition at this website is fierce, but great writing talent always gets noticed (especially if you are skilled in resume writing). You’ll be able to apply for hundreds of freelance writing jobs associated to your interests and knowledge. The 24/7 support system functions impeccably too, so you’ll be able to solve any issue with no delays.

8. Writers.ph

writers ph
At this website, you can choose from a myriad of freelance writing jobs in different categories. It won’t take much time for you to get used to the wayWriters.ph functions and start making an income, since you’ll get orders related to the subjects of your interest.

9. AsiaWriters

asia writers
This is a freelance writing organization that offers financially-rewarding jobs. All you need to do is focus on the writing and leave the other concerns to the support management system at the website. You’ll earn up to $30 per page for your work.

10. EssayWriters.net

essay writers
If you are good in academic writing, then you can get a decent monthly income at this website. The constant flow of orders enables you to get the right job exactly when you need it and earn up to $30 per page for your efforts.


11. CarmaCarpool

You can get a more affordable, faster and greener commute if you simply use Carma – a site that enables you to find a match and share the driving costs.

12. Yapta

Thanks to this website, you can find awesome travel deals and reserve your spot right on time. Plus, you can track different deals and wait for an e-mail alert, so you can make an early booking as soon as the prices drop.

13. Airbnb

Who needs an expensive hotel or a pricey, but awful rented room when you can rent real homes in over 190 countries? Thanks to Airbnb, you can find lovely accommodations for incredibly cheap prices.

14. Booking Buddy

When you are about to organize a trip, you need to compare the costs of different booking sites. There is no need to waste your time making comparison charts; BookingBuddy.com enables you to find the best deal within minutes.


15. Cody

This website enables you to purchase different plans from renowned trainers. There are different categories you can choose from – functional fitness, weight loss, strength, flexibility, yoga, and more.

16. YogaGlo

With the increased popularity of yoga, good instructors started charging sky-high prices for their classes and luxurious retreats. When you become part of the YogaGlo online community, you will practice with some of the greatest teachers for a low monthly charge of $18.

Coupons and gift cards

17. Swagbucks

Thanks to this website, you can get free gift cards by using the Internet for searching, shopping, taking polls, playing games and watching videos.

18. Current Codes

Instead of browsing through different shopping websites to find the best deals, you can simply access CurrentCodes.com and find functional codes for your favorite retailers.The website is solely focused on coupon codes though, so don’t expect to find information about deals and sales.

19. CoupFlip

You have a daily deal coupon you don’t intend to use? You can sell it atCoupFlip.com. You won’t have to wait for a purchaser either – you can instantly sell the deal at the website. In addition, you can shop for deals with huge discounts!

20. The Krazy Coupon Lady

This is the most popular online database of mobile coupons, printable coupons, and deals from a great base of retailers. You should tame your enthusiasm though, since the greatest deals can lead you to unplanned shopping sprees.

Food and drinks

21. Neighborhood Fruit

The concept of this website is rather unusual, but fun and effective nevertheless. You can sell or buy fresh local fruit and save money while promoting a great cause.

22. Supercook

It doesn’t matter what kind of food you have in your fridge; you can always combine it into a delicious meal thanks to Supercook – a website that will release your creativity and increase the potential of your fridge.

23. Get Drunk Not Fat

A few nights out can be devastating to your budget. Thanks to the chart provided at this website, you can find beers, wines and other types of beverages sorted by the cost of 1 oz of pure alcohol.

24. $5 Dinners

5 dinner
Good meals can get really expensive. This blog provides you with coupons, recipes and tips on budget-friendly eating.


25. Cellswapper

Are you stuck in a phone plan and want to find an easy way out? You can swap it for a new short-term contract or simply give it away atCellswapper.com and forego bothering with early-termination fees.

26. Glyde

This website enables you to get the best price for your video game or gadget. In addition, you can buy things on Glyde and save up to 90% through a convenient and safe buying experience.

27. Monoprice

The great daily deals, products on clearance and seasonal discounts atMonoprice.com will surely make you happy.

Prescription drugs

28. GoodPx

Thanks to GoodPx, you can compare the prices for FDA-approved prescription drugs at the pharmacies near your location. In addition, you can find great discounts, coupons, and cheaper generics that will save you a lot of money.

Paying bills

29. WhiteFence

white fence
If you want to save money on your bills, then you need to find out what the average rates are. Thanks to WhiteFence, you can get such information and realize if you’re overpaying for Internet, cable, or phone services.

30. Undebt.it

The payment plan generated by this service will help you manage your budget in the most effective manner. Thanks to Undebt.it, you’ll never forget the upcoming due dates and you’ll always know exactly how much money you need to reserve for the bills.


25 Signs You are Already Successful and You’re Simply Unaware

25 Signs You are Already Successful and You’re Simply Unaware

We have all had that period in our lives where we feel, regardless of what happens, we simply have nothing positive going for us. It’s easy to criticize yourself in just about anything–from your competence in the workplace to how you deal with situations at home–and this can make it easy to become clouded to our own successes in life.
This kind of constant action and lack of clarity can make it easy to believe that you are a failure, even when all the evidence in your life–personally and professionally–points to other conclusions. If you are too busy in life fighting fires, you’ll likely never make the time to actually appreciate your own success and accomplishments. You could already be successful and just not realize it. Here are some signs that is the case:

1. You aren’t controlled by your income.

Many people feel like they are tied to that next paycheque to make things work for them. If you are able to go day-to-day without the worry that you won’t have enough money to last until the end of the month, then you are most definitely a success! You might not be able to afford a Rolex, but if you aren’t living from week-to-week you are a success.

2. You don’t seek praise.

Seeking praise from loved ones and colleagues is something that we typically grow out of in our teenage years. If you aren’t hanging around waiting to get the proverbial pat on the back at work or at home, you are a more successful individual than you might even know. Being able to do your part without looking for praise is a strong sign of mental security.

3. You suffer less drama.

Look back even just a year in your life: are you finding that things are quieter? At home and at work? If this is the case then you can probably say that your life is pretty successful–a lack of chaos points to order and harmony.

4. You have a plan.

Success is built on structure and having a long-term plan to get to where you want to be. If you actually have a framework to follow in your life to reach your life goals, you are already pretty successful. Most people don’t plan ahead!

5. You crave more.

For someone who might feel like they aren’t doing well very in life, if you tend to look for more from any situation you are already on your way to success. Ambition and a desire for knowledge points to a determined individual who seeks to better themselves.

6. You are an early bird.

You know the old saying. The early bird catches the worm. If you are to make your life a success, you can’t be starting each day in the afternoon. When you find that you are jumping out of bed, ready to attack the day, you can probably point to a successful lifestyle and personality.

7. You are socially active.

Success tends to come in many different ways, not just your rank or your pay packet. If you are able to get involved in many different situations with a variety of social circles you can point to a healthy and harmonious life–people don’t tend to stick around toxic personalities.

8. You offer mutual respect.

Success tends to come from your own experiences in life, including going through stresses and difficulties. If you understand the value of treating others with respect, you already harness one of the most important aspects of success.

9. You wish to help others.

Again, your success in this world goes far beyond the cost of your car. If you are able to provide people with a solid base to work with, and act as a pillar of strength for colleagues, success is not too far off.

10. You are driven.

Anybody without an engine and a willingness to get through the hard times and the difficulties will struggle to succeed. If you don’t mind getting your sleeves rolled up and your hands dirty, you are better off than you think.

11. You possess confidence without arrogance.

The big difference between a successful person and someone who believes they are successful is the way they conduct themselves. If you can show some genuine humility for others, whilst inspiring those who are struggling, you are already a successful individual

12. You have fought back.

We have already touched on how failure can be the point needed to succeed. You need to hit the bottom before you can reach the top. Being able to battle back from a position of failure to success–any success–is a sign of an iron-willed individual with the nous to succeed in life.

13. You strive to improve.

Many people fall into the trap of believing that they “made it”. When you always look to improve on the previous performance, even if it was spectacular, you are setting yourself up to be a long-term success.

14. You have discipline.

Discipline can only come from being a success and seeing how things have gone in the past. Learning how not to make mistakes and how to make the right call is vital to being a long-term success.

15. You preach patience.

Patience is a virtue that the most successful people emit on a large-scale basis. Without patience, it can be hard to ever make the type of impact that you originally intended in any work or personal environment.

16. You can say no.

We spoke earlier about the power of being able to avoid needing to be praised–this is the same ideal. If you are able to say no then you have already avoided the need to please everyone. This is the sign of a successful individual.

17. You manage time well.

Time management is a sign of long-term success, and being able to use the time in any given day to be productive is the sign of a successful person. Capable of dealing with plenty of tasks in any given day? You are already a success.

18. You have successful friends.

Success around you is the easiest way to inspire yourself. If you find yourself surrounded by those who are also doing well it can be easier to actually improve and develop yourself in the right manner.

19. You don’t blame others.

You have reached a point in your life where you fully understand what it means to take ownership of your actions and not target others for your frustrations and failures. That comes about from being active rather than passive, and noticing your inner power to transform your life. It also speaks to your ability to prevent the environment from leading you down a direction you do not desire.

20. You don’t waste your time.

Long gone are the days when you let others drag you along and make you invest your time in activities you deemed boring or even counterproductive to your self-development and self-esteem. Your greater sense of direction empowers you to know what you want without needing other´s approval.

21. You are assertive.

You understand that simply saying yes or no is not enough. Explaining your reasons in a clear manner is essential for others to understand that you are an individual with your own thoughts and needs. This does not mean being inflexible, but while being understanding you should never let anyone bend your way.

22. You stay positive.

You have learnt the hard way that being negative or skeptical to justify your potential defeats and failures does not serve any purpose. Not only it does make you feel unable and anxious, but also does affect the final outcome. By being positive and honest at pursuing your goals you will unleash the true achiever within you.

23. You take care of your health.

Quitting harmful activities that stop you from working towards the brighter future you have always dreamt is a powerful step. Be it smoking, taking drugs, eating too much saturated fats and sugar, or not exercising, you understand that leaving all of those behind will turn you into a stronger individual with greater drive and willpower.

24. You don’t seek a relationship to solve your personal issues.

It is easy to hide our failures behind someone who loves us. But, it is a bit immature for both sides in a relationship to stop tackling the real issues that harm each other’s lives. It is not a good idea to avoid helping the other towards becoming a better person just because it is easier not doing it or because “things are just fine as they are”.

25. You are mature.

When bad situations unfold in the workplace, or you need to deal with the individual who you have a problem with. A sign of success is being able to put personal grievances to the side for professional gain.
It’s always important to remind yourself that success isn’t something that can be judged so materially. If you are able to look at your lifestyle and understand that you do things in a mature, social and effective manner then you are already far more successful than any slap on the back will ever make you feel.
Success comes from acceptance of your own skills and abilities, not what somebody you might never have met before tells you.